Seeing is believing

Love what you're hearing about Elevate? You'll love it even more once you see everything it can do. Schedule a demo with our expert team today to find out all the ways our totally scalable, totally brandable, totally automated platform will change the way you do business forever.

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Tried. Tested. Proven.

We're a best-in-class, premium technology platform with the numbers to prove it.

Thousands of organizations

Employers across the country are supported by Elevate's platform

Hundreds of thousands

American workers and their families depend on Elevate technology

Up to 35% gross margin savings

Automation, error reduction, and elimination of manual processes means a more profitable program for our partners

90+% Instant claim approval

Claims approved instantly, costs are reduced, and customer satisfaction increases

Instant CIP reviews

HSAs are opened painlessly, customers access their money faster, and calls are diminished

One week client onboarding

Client onboarding time drastically reduced, slashing admin costs and delighting benefit teams

90+% Real-time payments

Reimbursements provided faster, customer satisfaction increases

Frequently asked questions

Who do I talk to about how Elevate's platform can help my business?
I have a personal account on the Elevate platform. How do I access my account? Who do I contact with questions?
I’m an employer with a corporate account on the Elevate platform. How do I access my account? Who do I contact with questions?
I’m an employer with a corporate account on the Elevate platform. My accountants are asking for an Elevate W-9 for tax purposes. Where do I get one?
I’m an employer looking for a new HSA/FSA/HRA solution. How can Elevate help?
How do I learn more about consumer account technology innovations?
What is HRA software?
Who is Elevate’s HRA software for?
What does Elevate’s HRA administration software offer that other providers can’t?
What is HSA software?
Who is Elevate’s HSA software for?
What is FSA Software?
Who is Elevate’s FSA software for?
What does Elevate’s HSA software offer that other providers can’t?
What does Elevate’s FSA software offer that other providers can’t?