Built for financial institutions

Elevate is a turnkey platform designed to keep up with you and your clients' unique needs. You own the products, the experience, and the data—we expertly power it all.

Reach for more revenue

Elevate modernizes your solution with a fully API-enabled platform so it can be 100% embedded into your brand. It's the easiest, safest and most cost-effective move to grow your product line.

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Challenges we solve

Challenge: Growing product line revenue

Legacy platforms are highly limited in what they can provide, due to heavy tech debt.

Challenge: Differentiating your product

The market is highly competitive. Not meeting client needs means losing market share.

Challenge: Implementing newer technology

Your focus is creating additional revenue and growing internal product lines, not tech innovation.

Challenge: Retaining assets

You risk clients moving funds to other financial institutions when they change employers or are unsure where to put their rollover HSA dollars.

A solution that grows with you

No more crossover with competitors and no more tedious building and maintaining tech. Elevate is a non-risky, turnkey solution fully adaptable to your brand. Built to grow with your business, our platform saves costs while opening up opportunities for greater revenue.

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Financial services in action

Today's financial institutions are challenged with meeting corporate innovation initiatives with conservative budgets. They need to save costs and implement modern technology through external partners today while continuing to build out their own technology solutions for the future. Additionally, banks need a good foothold in non-HSA accounts like HRAs and FSAs to increase competitive positioning. Enter Elevate, a brandable platform that not only provides an immediate tech lift, but flexes as banks evolve.

Ready to say goodbye to your pain points one by one?

Schedule a demo today to see how Elevate can drive your business to new heights.

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